Creative Ministries

MiniM - Ministry in Music

MiniM  choir is a community that sings together, prays together and shares music that is moving and celebratory.  It includes people from many different churches and denominations. MiniM is short for Ministry in Music. The choir began in 2010 and has shared many ups and downs of life together, welcomed new members and farewelled old members. MinM members live all over Australia and New Zealand and as far away as Germany and Canada, but stay connected through their shared love of music and friendship. MiniM is conducted by Jennifer Hughes and accompanied by Jacob Wilson.

MiniM Instrumental

The Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts frequently has the opportunity to connect instrumentalists with opportunities to share in leadership of worship or to perform in concerts or public events. If you are interested in participant in these opportunities please contact the Centre.

More information? Contact Jenni

Subtle Bricks

Subtle Bricks Theatre Company support worship, events and concerts through performance and script writing. Members come from a wide range of backgrounds, sharing a passion for the Gospel, performing and working together to create something good. The purpose of this is twofold: to make people think, and to make people laugh!

Rehearsals are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 9 PM at Brougham Place Uniting Church, 193 Brougham Place, North Adelaide.

More Information? Contact JS Hudson |