Our third session on “Creating Authentic Christian Communities Online” will be held at Westbourne Park Uniting Church on Thursday evening 26th September 7.39-9.00pm. Come and explore issues around being church online, creating community, and resourcing faith formation.
- Purpose
- Practices
- Participation
- Possibilities
The session includes input by Dr Craig Mitchell, a presentation by the host church about the “why” and “how” of their online presence, and peer conversation. Craig has studied and taught in the area of digital communication, and has worked with churches on developing their online presence. He has a particular interest in discipleship formation in a digital world.
The team at Wesbourne Park UC will also speak about their learnings about developing online church and give a tour of their tech steup.
Cost: $10 per person per session. Maximum $40 per congregation per session
An outline of the first sessiobn, held in May, is here
A fourth session will be held in November.