Short Sketches Vol 1


SKU: DW001 Categories: ,


24 plays and sketches by Subtle Bricks Theatre company. Subtle Bricks Theatre Company, in some form or another, has been performing sketches such as these in churches for around 23 years. Our purpose in this is two fold: to make people think, and to make people laugh! As we grow older (and hopefully more mature) the number of questions we ask about our faith and ourselves has increased and a lot of the thoughts and ideas expressed in these sketches have sprung from our own experiences. Used in the context of a worship service, one or two of these sketches can help emphasise or illustrate points or themes being addressed in a sermon . . . or if you’re really adventurous, 3 or 4 sketches can even replace the sermon! There is inevitably an element of humour in what we do because the sketches are about people, and we all do silly, clumsy and incongruous things and it’s a healthy thing to laugh at ourselves. The church is not immune to this and we need to learn to see the funny side of what we are and how we go about what we do. I firmly believe that God has a sense of humour.  It’s where we got ours from!

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JS Hudson and Subtle Bricks


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